Were You Naughty or Nice?

Santa’s checking right now. Merry Christmas to everyone far and near! I’m wishing you a wonderful, peaceful, delicious day in which you feel surrounded by the love of God and the warm company of friends and family.

This is a photo I took years ago of one of my very favorite ornaments. It’s one that was my husband’s when he was little and I love it so. I keep having to glue his tiny pencil back on over his ear.

Soooooooo…I have to confess, y’all…it’s not looking great for a Lord a-Leaping release by new year’s eve. I’m working on Mr Grand Finale but he’s being difficult and tricky. Leaping can so easily translate as spaz attack instead. It’s a fine line. I’m going to take the time needed to get him just right and if that means extending over into the new year, that is what it means. *sound of slow air leak from personal goal balloon*

The bonus ornament is going swimmingly though! It looks awesome. I can’t wait to show you that one! (Patterns 1, 6 and 12 all have a 2nd ornament included — I think you’ll LOVE this one. Truly. hint hint.) I’ll be updating you guys again by the new year to let you know how it’s going, but for now–

God bless us, every one!

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