In Which I Design a New Series While Sheltering in Place

“There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are.” Said guess who?

That is right! You guessed it. This is a fairly tight prototype of Mr Scrooge, the first pattern in a new series called Ebenezer, based on Charles Dickens’ Victorian novella, A Christmas Carol. I’m excited about it and I hope you’ll enjoy it. It’s going to be ornate and a bit spooky.

No worries, I’m also working on the third pattern design for my ‘Twas the Night series. It’s only in the design stages but I’ll update when I can.

Design work is a nice distraction. I’m hanging in there. You? Air hugs to you, folks of the world, as we all hunker down and weather this pandemic. My cloistered family is just trying to get through each day and stay positive. We are now under a Shelter In Place order here in GA, but that is essentially what we’ve been doing already for weeks. I pray that you are well and staying encouraged, wherever you are in the world. I pray for all those on the frontlines of this nightmare, and also those working hard in the seldom noticed background, doing essential tasks to keep the world running. I’m trying to do my part to minimize the spread and stay informed. I’m going to sew some masks today.

Phil. 4:6-7 is my daily shelter right now. Maybe it will strengthen you too.