Handmade gifts 2024, almost

I have to thank wonderful mmmaker Debbie for this fantastic idea. She shared a photo of a clever graduation ornament she made for a beloved young lady using a modified version of my Mr Scrooge pattern, and I thought it was genius. See Debbie’s lovely ornament below:
Photos Courtesy of Debbie Thompson
See, she even made the little colorful honor cords and a sequin medallion. The sandals! With the little heels. So well done. Then my next thought was, hey both of MY daughters graduated college this year! They absolutely need graduation ornaments! Why had I not thought of this???
Unfortunately, I was not able to start on my ornaments until a few days before Christmas. Plenty of time, right? LOL. Of course, I had to copy what both my girls were wearing at graduation down to the print on their dresses, their necklaces, and shoes. Of course. At 9 pm on Christmas Eve, I gave up and showed them both my progress, in pieces. They were delighted. Oh well. I am pleased with my personal growth this time, in that I wisely decided to call it quits at 9 pm and enjoy what was left of my Christmas Eve instead of my usual desperate all-night slog in my studio before realizing toward dawn that it will still never get done in time.
Both ornaments are now very close to being finished, with the additions noted on the photo, and I pledge they will be tree-ready in plenty of time for Christmas 2025. I’m conflicted about making the honor cords for my oldest. After working her rear end off to graduate magna cum laude, the child forgot to wear the honors for her graduation photo shoot and her graduation. Sigh.
Base pattern for most of it is Mr Scrooge with modifications for their dresses and slimmer legs.
Sleeves were lifted from Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come, shortened a bit and left open at the wrists.
Font for robes is the same as Ebenezer years, Camila Thin Italic.
Caps and stole were trial and error.
Glasses made in same manner as Mr Marley.
Long hair made in same manner as Ghost Of Christmas Present, only I mixed two colors of floss #becausehighlights.
Short hair was made in same manner as Lady Dancing only in a different style.
Absolutely brilliant! I have two daughters as well – one who graduated college in 2024 and one who will graduate college in 2025 – bonus- they look very similar to your two from the looks of these ornaments! Thank you for giving me something to work on while I wait for the much anticipated sixth addition to the Ebenezer series. 🙂
Sure my pleasure! haha! congrats to your girls!
These graduation ornaments are precious! I would totally add the magna cum laude cord because she earned it. If I make one for my son, I’ll add a removable rain poncho for the severe thunderstorm that cancelled his graduation ceremony before he got to walk to the stage.
I gifted my DIL 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments to her on Christmas Eve and finished the last one the day after Christmas. I’m glad my third set is complete! But I forgot to take a picture of the set, darn.
LOL about the rain poncho. Yeah, I might make it after all. It should at least make an appearance on her ornament. Congratulations on finishing the series for your DIL! I know it will be treasured.
Oh Larissa, I’m tickled beyond words that you were able to use my little brainstorm as inspiration to make some ornaments for your graduating girls! I really love the addition of the sequins, which somehow didn’t even occur to me, as well as the slimmer legs, which also didn’t occur to me! I’m sure my sweet recipient would have appreciated both, but alas, she’ll have to make do with thicker legs and a plain graduation gown. 😆 I would love to see your take on the honors cords, I was never completely satisfied with mine and thought there might have been a better way to do them. Perhaps mini chenille stems? I’m sure you’ll come up with something brilliant, as you always do. And yes, I think you should include them on her ornament, she earned them!! Thanks for all the inspiration you’ve provided over the years, so glad I could return the favor! 🙂
Yours is perfect as it is, thanks for the great idea. I guess I’ll try to tackle that cord. I’ll share the finished product.
I just love it. I made a viking from the Santa Clause pattern for my son.
One day I’ll figure out how to sent you a picture, lol
Oh a Viking! How cool. Post it to my Facebook page during my next Mmmaker Monday post, or send me a Facebook DM
Brilliant! This would make a great pattern on it’s own.
Haha! Thanks!
Yes! I’ll be waiting for the graduation pattern to arrive on your site Larissa!
I just love this! I would absolutely pay for a pattern as I have two graduates this year myself.
Will you please, please make a pattern for this?????
This needs to be a pattern all on its’ own with both male and female options. Absolutely darling!
OMG! Those are amazing! wish I had enough talent to start making mods, but will have to wait for a pattern…these are absolutely wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
What other non-christmas ideas are you keeping a secret? lol This one is awesome!