welcome to my new site!

Welcome! I’m so happy to announce my new website: mmmcrafts.com

My original address, mmmcrafts.blogspot.com, was a free Blogger template I’ve been using since 2008. Sixteen years! I think I got my money’s worth. Any links to it should forward here.

The new site combines the good bits of the old one with an updated mobile-friendly format. MmmCrafts.com will continue to be a great resource for you, chock-full of pattern information, tips, and tutorials. And of course my blog is still an integral part of the new site, including the old school popular posts and tutorials from way back when, like the messenger bag and Molly Monkey. I’m still working to organize the legacy tutorials, but if you are looking for a specific one, just use the handy search fields.

New! Sign up for newsy emails
There’s also now a much-requested way to sign up for email updates. Please use the form to sign up if you don’t want to miss future MmmCrafts news, announcements, or sales. Don’t worry, I will not pelt you with lots of emails.

When you get a minute, have a look around the new site and let me know what you think! 🙂  

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