Welcome Home and Happy Birthday, Hobyn
Did I tell you? My dear bestie and her family have now moved back stateside. Yay! Their years in Rio were lovely but there’s no place like home. And now it’s her birthday. So I thought a couple of mementos from her time in the warm southern climes of Brazil would be appropriate!
First I put together a photo book of our time together in Rio. I love making iPhoto books. I spend way, way too much time arranging everything just so. (If you’d like to see more about the trip, go here, here and here.)
Then with the help of my intrepid brother-in-law, Robby, I was able to
make the Brazilian coins I brought home from my trip into this charm
Sometimes it’s a little unfair how pretty coins from other countries are. I especially like the two-tone gold/silver ones.
This bracelet looks a lot like the one I made myself when I was a young teen. And that is because this one is made from the same silver necklace that I frankensteined to make my own coin bracelet some thirty years ago. *coughhoardercough*
Just goes to show you, pack ratting pays off. I think that double chain makes a cracking charm bracelet! And goodness knows the silver finish has proven impervious to the passage of time. (And I still have enough for at least two more bracelets!)
After my failed first two attempts at drilling tiny holes in the coins myself (I don’t know why it was so hard for me, this tutorial makes it look like a piece of cake), I handed that job over to a professional. Thanks, Robby! Once that was done, the rest was easy. Harvested jump rings and put the lobster clasp on and finished. I love the cheerful clinky clink sound it makes on your wrist.
I also threw in these pattern weights for her that I’ve been meaning to make for months. Pretty easy to make. The tutorial is here.
Basically you hot glue two 3/4″ oversized zinc washers from the hardware store together and then wrap them tightly with ribbon to make it purty. If you hate to pin patterns you need to make yourself some of these. So that’s everyone. I still need to finish my own set. I have been known to anchor my patterns with scissors, rulers, jars, coffee cup, and anything else within arm’s reach on my craft table. These will be really handy. And less sloshy.
And lastly, her birthday card. A September birthday deserves a warm, orangey autumnal card. (It’s also pumpkin spice flavored.) It is made from paper, wool felt, ribbon, and those tiny pom poms you can get en multicolored masse at the craft store. I never thought I’d have a use for tiny, pale orange pom poms but I did. Hoard, people.
No, you didn't tell us (me, anyway) that your friend moved back! Hurray! What beautiful gifts! And now I know that it DOES pay to save EVERYTHING. 🙂
What a blog slacker I am! I just thought I'd better check in with you this morning and looky what I found. I love my birthday presents, always so thoughtful and creative. Knowing the bracelet chain is the same as yours from so long ago makes it even more special!
Well, heeeey! I like knowing we have sister bracelets too!
It's just a confirmation that my mountain of saved bits and random bobs will pay off one day.