The Reee-Diculous Pile, Part 1
I was recently surveying the huge snarl of various half-done projects on my desk, so I took some photos to share what I’ve been up to. And what I will be up to.
First off, my main priority is to finish my bunny pattern I did months ago and get it in the shop. It will now be named Baby Binky Bunny, instead of Bonnie, because it isn’t really a girly bunny. It could pass for a she or a he. All depends on the fabrics. And I’m adding a little quilt blankie for her/him to snuggle whilst napping (that’s the attractively arranged wreck of fabric under the unfinished bunny).
Oy. There is so much more junk on my desk! I’ll save that for another post, I can see your eyes glazing over. Oh, wait those are mine. 🙂
yeah.. the bunny pattern i am waiting for sooooo long ;D .. cab’t wait to sew one… or two… ore tree (my boys surely will have one of their own too 🙂
Yeah, make it snappy, sister. I have a baby shower to go to next weekend. Actually, could you just add some premade bunnies to the shop? I really don’t have time to sew for this one… 🙂
Love ya!
(cringing) yes, I know Steffi. Sigh. I’m so sorry! :0
Robyn, um. yeaaaahh. Did you see the pile of junk?
Looks like a fun pile, though. I have to say I am a little envious of that fact that you have an actual desk to get that messy. Seriously, all of my to-do projects are sorted in Walmart sacks. Yikes.
I’m with you Olivia. Walmart, Kohl’s, whatever is handy…
Can’t wait to see finished products!
oh, larissa,… i don’t want you to be sorry. i just wanted to say that i am really lookling forward to sew it.
i see that you have a lot of work so i didn’t expected the pattern. A really nice surprise:)
That bunny softie is soooo cute. Can’t wait for the pattern- and just in time for Easter too! Woo Hoo.
Love your blog by the way.
Steffi, thanks for your kind thoughts but really! it’s been months. That’s really bad, even for me! 🙂
Jess and Olivia, thinking about plastic shopping bags stuffed with projects does make me very thankful for my craft room, which can stay looking like an absolute trainwreck without anyone having to see it. And it often does. Ok, honestly, always. I’ll never win one of those “Crafter’s stunning creative space” awards.
I know how you feel! I always have half finished projects because I get so excited I start another one! Sadly, I am space challenged and they seem to take over one corner of my room 🙂 by the way- I love your blog!
at least your ‘pile’ is somewhat organized. mine… ——not so much. great bunny.