Handmade Gifts 2010: Turtle Dove

Ok, so I went into ornament hyperdrive this year. Even though I had just made the three ornaments for her kids, I couldn’t skip a 12 Days of Christmas ornament for Robyn, since the full set will be twelve years in the making (go here for the first installment). My eldest said, “Aren’t you supposed to make two?” Then she said, “Mom, how old will you be when you finish the set?” Sigh.

The embroidery on the back was done when I was errrm…ready to be finished. You all know embroidery is not my strong suit. It was supposed to say “2nd Day, Love, M&L, 2010”, but this works. Right?

I wish Robyn would blog the tree topper she made. If you’ve seen the really pretty Teeming Forest topper at Anthropologie, you will have also noticed the staggering (no pun intended) $498.00 price tag (it has since gone on sale for like $125). Is it made from uranium or something? So Robyn did her own version, and it is really pretty.

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