Happy Thanksgiving! My Annual Sale Is Officially On!

Happiest of Thanksgivings to you, no matter where you may live in the world! It is always good to pause and reflect on our blessings and take time to be thankful. And if you can also manage to sit and devour an entire pecan pie with people you love, even better

A huge blessing in my life is the opportunity to design little projects, sell them in my Etsy shop, and have people actually buy the patterns! And actually make them! And actually enjoy it! It is amazing to consider. 

I’m deeply grateful for all of you lovely mmmakers who support my shop, take the time to show me what you are sewing, and even sweetly encourage others who are posting about their projects on FB and IG. Not to mention all the kind words that you send my way. Thank you! Y’all are the best! It just makes my day to imagine all your carefully crafted and beautiful handmade gifts being opened and exclaimed over by your delighted friends and family this Christmas. 

(If you’ve been pondering a new project, now is the time to purchase the pattern! It’s my annual sale for 20% off your purchase from November 23rd to the 27th EST, no code necessary.)

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