Hand Stitched Flora Card

Card for my momma. It probably looks familiar because it’s basically my Flora Needle Book cover pattern that I enlarged to 4 x 4.75 inches. It’s made from wool felt and embroidery floss on card stock, with a flower in the place of the button that’s usually on the needle book.

Closeup of the stitching. I pre-punched my holes with the needle. You kind of have to do that with paper. I punched them through the felt and paper from the top, then proceeded to embroider with a back stitch like usual. The key is to use BIG stitches.

In progress shot of the other card I made for my MIL. I didn’t get a final photo of that one! Too last minute. That one had a few beads and sequins too. The process is pretty time consuming for a card, but it turns your card into a little work of art that is pretty gift on its own.

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