FOTF Color Guide: Lady Dancing

Here are the colors to use for Lady Dancing (#11 in the series*) if you are making my Twelve Days ornaments with Felt On The Fly’s beautiful Emerald felt bundle. Sewing pattern can be purchased here.
*You may be thinking, ‘Wait, no, Lady Dancing is number 9!’ And you are right! It is #9 in the modern carol. But not in the original carol from 1780, which is what this series is based on. But maybe 1780 style is not your jam? No worries, see this post to easily re-number yours.
Cap, Lower Body, Middle Petal: Shrimp
Cap Flower and Petals: Lavender Pink
Shawl Collar: Lemon Lime
Sleeves: Sprout
Upper Body: Dark Teal
Bodice: Olive
Overskirt: Sea Green
Overskirt Flowers: Orange Red
Underskirt: Malachite
Decorative embroidery floss:
DMC white B5200
DMC 943
DMC 934
DMC 699 (shawl)
DMC 603
DMC 166
DMC 666
DMC 906
DMC 500 (sleeves)
Overskirt: Sea Green
Decorative embroidery floss:
DMC 166
DMC 934
I absolutely LOVE this emerald colorway!