What I’m Up To

Making something fun. Just playing. Digging in the compacted stash piles. Poking through my ribbons. Opening drawers to see what I have. This idea has lived in my head for a great long while and now it’s becoming real. It’s changing as I go. I’m always fascinated with the process of bringing an idea to life.

My sketches always seem to have more appeal to me than the final product. Does that happen to you? Maybe it’s the potential that makes them so attractive. The final product is never exactly like the sketch or the phantom in my head, but sometimes they are better. Other times just…no. However, it’s that over-confident feeling that the end product is going to be fantasmic that keeps me going.

In other news: Spring break was fun. We got away to the beach. This is the girls sharing a drink. Like two angry badgers arm wrestling. Feeling like it’s the home stretch on home schooling. 5th and 7th grades almost in the bag. Can I get an ay-men? I’m hoping that this academic year can end earlier than other years. We usually school from September through mid-July but this year is different because we were on the Konos schedule and we’ve logged a lot more days than we usually have by now. A longer summer than usual…oh what will I do? *throatclearingthatsoundslikeornaments*

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