This Time in Purple, Pink, Orange and Red

The not-as-difficult-the-second-time-round MS flower card for my sweet MIL, Paula. You didn’t think I forgot her, did you? I’m so blessed to have two lovely moms in my life! However, unlike my own mom, Michael’s mom is computer savvy and connected to the interwebs, so I had to keep a lid on hers until now.

I sometimes wonder how much money I’ve saved Michael by making all our cards instead of buying them? Mmmmmprobably not as much money as I’ve spent on paper, felt and shoes, so let’s change the subject.

Finished the card a bit differently this time by punching holes for a string tie, and so managed again to avoid making an envelope. (Patting self on shoulder.) Worked great!

I’m also thanking myself for buying that gift tag punch. Goodness, it’s handy. I have two:

New one is the straightforward one and the fancypants scrolly punch I’ve had for a while. Different brands, same factory looks like. No more buying gift tags. Unless I want to.

Next post: Paula’s needle book.

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