International Sources For Supplies

Photo: Lovely 100% wool felt samples and cards sent to me by from Cloud Craft UK
You guys know I have trusted felt vendors I work with here in the US, but international shipping can get a little pricey. I asked my international customers on FB where they purchase their felt, and here’s the handy list of vendors* for you. I’ll continue to update it as I become aware of others. I hope it gives you a good lead if you are looking for a domestic source!
*These were recommended to me by crafters, and some vendors have kindly sent me samples/color cards (shown in the photos), but I have not personally purchased or sewn with their felt. This list is intended as a reference for your convenience only. Please use the same diligence and discretion you would use with any internet or in-store purchase.

Photo courtesy of Bear Dance Crafts
- Bear Dance Crafts – Westholme, BC. 100% wool felts, glitter felts, metallic felts. Materials kits offered for some MmmCrafts patterns.
- Gingermelon – Vancouver. Merino wool felt and also wool blends.
Photo: Lovely wool blend felt color cards sent to me by Billow Fabrics UK
- Billow Fabrics – National Nonwovens wool blend felts (some of the same colors that Benzie carries) ask them about bundles
- Cloud Craft – 100% wool felts
- Felt Better – 100% wool felts, metallic felts, glitter felts, Sulky stabilizer. Ask about supplies and kits especially pulled together for MmmCrafts patterns.
- Paper-And-String – Wool blend felts, glitter felts, DMC flosses
- Tactile Craft Supplies – Wool blend felts
- Wool Felt Company – 100% wool felts
Photo: Lovely commercially dyed and hand dyed 100% wool felt samples and color cards from WinterWood AUS
- My Felt Lady – Chinchilla, Queensland. 100% wool felts, metallic felts, glitter felts. Materials kits and supplies offered for some MmmCrafts patterns.
- WinterWood Felt and Craft Supplies – Warrenwood, Victoria. 100% wool felts, both commercially and hand dyed, metallic felts, glitter felts, wood beads
- Felt Craft Studio – Central Coast. 100% wool felts, viscose felts, metallic/glitter felts
- Bij Vilt Enzo – Wool blend and 100% wool felts
- De Viltwinkel – 100% wool felts
If you’ve had a great experience with a non-US wool felt vendor, feel free to let me know by leaving a comment below! (Please, no self-promotion. Anonymous comments will be deleted.)
Great post 🙂
Thank you for this international resource list. Very helpful:)