Girly Shoe Tags: A Tutorial

As a practice I’m sure they’ll talk about in therapy later, I often buy my girls the same shoes because when I find some that fit one well, they usually fit the other one well, and let’s face it, I like to just get it done. And goodness knows if I happen to buy different pairs according to what I think each will like, one inevitably likes her sister’s shoes better and it all ends in tears.

However, when you buy two pairs of the same you have a different problem – whose shoes are whose? I am not up for grubbing inside the shoe to search for the size tag. So I made some quick layered felt flowers with leaves in their favorite colors and sewed them on so that their latest casual shoes can be identified with a quick glance.

It’s a quick and easy project and I thank myself for it every time they get dressed. You could also use an alphabet bead instead of a button for each girl’s initial. If your shoes lack the obliging fabric or webbing inserts, you could always opt to sew them around the strap or add a clip. If you would like to make some girly shoe tags like these, here’s the simple pattern PDF to download:

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