Early Bird/Night Owl Reversible Pillow Pattern is in the Shop!

Yay! At long last. This fun, reversible design I came up with for my daughter’s birthday has been made into a sewing pattern for the shop. (There’s a nicer video clip of this in my Instagram feed.)

Many thanks to my intrepid pattern testers for helping me to make this the best pattern I can! I will be showing off their pillows in a later post!

The early bird gets the worm and the night owl is staying up late! Flip it to whatever side you are feeling that day, or flip it according to the time of day. My daughter uses hers as an accent pillow on her bed and flips it twice a day.

Here are the other two samples I’ve made, but the color possibilities are endless and of course you can make it look more boyish or girlish as needed:

This pattern is an intermediate level because it has a lot of steps and requires precision in cutting and placing of trims. Machine and hand sewing techniques are used.

I have worked for a good while to make this sewing and applique project come together in the easiest, fastest and most accurate way possible, so I think you are going to enjoy it!

The trims are really the star of the show here. It’s a nice project to showcase your favorite ribbons, buttons, rick racks and mini-pom trims. And of course any project that includes pom-poms is aces in my book! The other main ingredients in the pillow are medium weight cottons or tickings and wool felts. And of course, stuffing. And love.

You can find more details in the shop listing. I hope you enjoy the pattern! I’ve had a lot of fun making these Early Bird/Night Owls! I’m definitely a Night Owl. How about you?

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