Early bird/night owl prototype, malware and trust issues

Hey. I’ve been quiet but busy. My beloved and wonderful mom turned 80! I love her so much. What a lucky kid I am. We had a wonderful girls-only family celebration at the beach and it was a nice getaway from the computer and security problems I’ve been having lately.

Mean people infected my computer with malware and so I’ve been dealing with huge waves of malicious emails being sent from my personal email address to everyone I’ve ever emailed in my whole life and also their dogs. My apologies if you’ve received any of those. I don’t send out patterns or updates via email so please don’t click on any of those links that say ‘Hey, friend! Go here,” or similar. I know y’all are smarter than that, but thought I’d tell you anyway. Apparently after the initial wave they can still send emails that appear to be from me without actually being from me, which is called spoofing. Just trash them.

I’ve been working with my email provider and I’ve had to completely wipe my Mac and start from scratch to make sure the boogeymen are gone. It’s left me with major trust issues so I can hardly bring myself to get on the internet anymore. And also now after the rebuild of my computer I’ve been introduced to the nightmare that is the Mac Photos app and I hate hate hate it. Whoever decided it would make a swell replacement for iPhotos needs to be put in the naughty corner with a cone hat. Downloading and formatting those two images up there ^ would have taken about 5 minutes max in iPhotos. It took me about 30 minutes in Photos and there were plenty of creative epithets being hurled around during that time. I hear there’s a new one being released today so I hope they’ve listened to the myriad complaints. Oh, iPhoto, I miss youuuuuuuuu.

Anyhoo. Done with the negative stuff. Cute birds! Let’s talk about cute, stuffed birdies. What you see is a tight prototype of the upcoming pattern. There were some minor tweaks made since the original one for my daughter (some I like, some I don’t). So a few more little tweaks to come. But it’s close.

It’s almost October! That’s so crazy! Where did you go, September? It seems like time speeds up after August every year. Slow down, fall, I want to savor you. I need pumpkins on my porch! Must go buy pumpkins and mums.

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