As Seen In: Homespun Magazine
If you are a Homespun magazine reader you will see a nice mention of my Flora Needle Book pattern right there on page 20 of the October issue! Thanks
very much, Janai! That’s awesome!
(I should clarify that Homespun is an Australian publication, so you won’t find it on the shelf in America. My apologies!)
I loved browsing through my copy. Homespun is substantially thick and chock-full of colorful photos and well-done DIY projects. I love the matte finish of the pages. Here’s a random sampling:
Beautiful quilt!
Craft studio envy!
One of the features I really appreciate is this handy at-a-glance spread with photos of all of the included projects and their page numbers. Well done, Homespun! (Hey, look, I actually have on nail polish in these photos. Are you impressed? It isn’t Pinterest-worthy striped or polka dotted or spangled or the ubiquitous ombre – but it is nail polish.)
Congratulations on making it into such a cool magazine! A well-deserved honor!
That's awesome! An excellent pattern deserves a most excellent shout-out. 🙂
Thanks, Grandma G! It is a cool mag.
Aw, Skooks, thanks so much!
Very cool! Congrats! I agree with Grandma G – it's a well deserved honor. Your needle books are so beautiful! And to think I have a hand sewn original. Wonder what it'll be worth in a few years now that you've hit the big time… 😉
Robyn, thank you and for real, you could probably get, like, at least four dollars for yours. You could buy a frothy coffee with the proceeds! 🙂 With a double shot.
How wonderful. Congrats. They are gorgeous and original, I love them. Well done.
So happy to see the needle books recognized like this! Oh, and I noticed the nail polish right away, but I thought it was my imagination. Very tasteful choice.
Yay, Yay, Yay!!! Hooray for you!!
That's really awesome! Congratulations! I have never seen that magazine. I will have to look for it! Nail polish–a pretty rare occasion for me, too. 🙂
so exciting larissa – congrats!
how do you get this australian magazine – it doesn't seem to be available here…
mylittlecorner, thanks so much!
Shelly, 🙂 Thanks, I love that polish. It's iridescent and subtle, so you can't tell right away that it's a chipped mess. ha.
Jessica, aw, thanks!
Mama Pea, it's an Australian publication, so unfortunately hard to find in the states.
Maggie Smith, they were so nice to send a copy to me right away! It was a joy to work with them. Sorry about availability here!
Congrats! I will have to look for it at the store : )