Father’s Day Cards
Fun with paper ties. The one on the right was made by me for the girls to give to Michael. They wrote on the inside:
“This is what our Daddy’s SuperSuit looks like.”
It is indeed his SuperSuit. He wears it six days a week. But no cape.
Whats the trick to getting a husband to wear a pink and orange and purple tie….. I think that would give any man superpowers, but my husband tends to disagree. 🙂
I haven't found that tie yet, but if I do I'm going to try it! I gave him a pink tie once, and he doesn't NOT wear it. So I think I have a chance. He bought a pink dress shirt once, and after his coworkers made snide remarks it went to the back of the closet. 🙂
Oh how cool you Mr. wore the pink dress shirt once – well, the coworkers are happier with white, pale blue I guess, no colors, pleeeeeease…
The card is great!
Have a good day and rest of the week
Nina, for reals. What is that? If I were them, I'd welcome a chance to wear something besides white, ecru, and powder blue. LOL. They need to expand their color horizon.